Everything you need to introduce the Insight Loop at your company!
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I feel like I can talk to them [devs] now!
I've facilitated mob programming before, but I never had these good questions!
This page helps a non-coding coach teach the Insight Loop to a software team. A non-coder teach developers? Yes! We created this workshop to help you set up the right situation and ask the right questions so that the developers teach themselves a new way of thinking how they code.
If you bring this to your team, you’ll help them:
This happens because they:
Are you ready to facilitate your team as they learn the Insight Loop?
The Insight Loop reduces time for each story, reduces bugs, reduces cost of future stories, and makes it less frustrating for them!
Up to this point, developers have read code in a traditional manner. They read a piece, understand it, and try to remember it as they get the next insight. That is unfriendly to the brain as they try to remember so very much.
You will be introducing the Insight Loop, which is a new way of reading that works well with the brain. This makes reading code faster, easier, and—more importantly—less error-prone.
2 things!
Curious? Please reach out to Deep Roots by email (sales@digdeeproots.com) or on Twitter (@digdeeproots)!
You are free to perform the workshop, as long as:
Please contact us at legal@digdeeproots.com if you would like to edit the workshop or include it in a larger workshop. We are happy to work with requests.
Code by Refactoring Insight Loop Workshop by Deep Roots is licensed as defined at https://insightloop.digdeeproots.com/license.
Copyright @copy; 2019, Dig Deep Roots, LLC.